Friday, May 21, 2010

Timberline Mountain Guides & Smith Rock Climbing School Guides Training 2010

"To be a professional guide, one must be committed to their own learning process- as well as their clients-through specialized training and personal experience. It is this dedication to professional training and raising the bar for mountain guiding standards in America that sets us apart from other guide services." - TMG/SRCS website

We are just concluding our in-house training here at Timberline Mountain Guides and Smith Rock Climbing School and central O dished out it's best weather for the crew. This season we were fortunate to have Art Mooney of Mooney Mountain Guides as our lead trainer. Art is based out of New Hampshire and is a International Federation of Mountain Guides Association (IFMGA) certified guide as well as a course instructor and examiner for the rock and alpine disciplines with the American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA).

Art covering the finer points of auto locking belay devices.

Over the four days of training we covered and revisited many technical aspects of guiding on both rock and steep snow. Along with technical skills it was also a great time for all the guides to share and swap techniques and hangout while enjoying some great climbing.

We all spent some time reviewing and polishing up on transitions in the rock environment. We also went over some pick-offs as well as belay escapes off a hip belay, plate devices off the harness, and off the anchor.

Art and Marc running through a pick-off.

Sheldon setting up for a lower.

The crew also headed out to Smith Rock State Park to cover rigging for our Monkey Face Tyrolean Traverse. The setup for the traverse is pretty involved and requires a lot of work and a lot of ropes!

Some of the crew rigging the traverse into the mouth of the Monkey.

Aiding up the bolt ladder on Monkey Face.

Pulling across the chasm.